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Bambus Xaphoon

The Pocketsax from Hawaii

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The Xaphoon

An Instrument for traveling

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The Xaphoon de Catalunya

The noble version of the Xaphoon

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The Standard Xaphoon

compact and variable

Nepali Xaphoon bag

Xaphoon Reisetasche Nepali Stoff mit Tragegriff mit Instrument und Polsterung zum Schutz in buntem Design
Xaphoon Reisetasche Nepali Stoff mit Tragegriff mit Instrument und Polsterung zum Schutz in buntem DesignXaphoon Maui Stofftasche Nepali für Reise Transport oder Erlebnisse
18,50 € each

The NEPALI CASE is a practical case for the Xaphoon.

Either to store the instrument or to take it with you. The cases made from Nepalese fabrics are suitable for the C and the Bb Xaphoon.


The cases are made according to our specifications in a small workshop in Nepal for the company DUNUM in Switzerland.